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Alices' Spot

Friday, February 17, 2006

Drug Squad

On Tuesday a helicopter and a whole lot of police with cars came and landed on our paddock in front of the school. They unloaded heaps and heaps of marijuana and put all of it in a trailer. We got to see them fill up the helicopter with fuel and we also got to sit in it.
My dog Midge got to sit in the helicopter as well. Mr Barnes took a photo of me holding a piece of marijuana.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

In the Holidays

Now I am back at school with 3 other people. In the holidays my family and I went on a tramp around Lake Waikaremoana. There was lots of really good views and it was really fun. The day after we got home my dog Midge had 6 puppies. Two weeks later Midge got milk fever and we had to take her in to the vet. The vet said she would have died if we didn’t bring her in. Now I have to feed 3 of the puppies. At night I put them back to Midge and then the next day I take away the other 3.