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Alices' Spot

Thursday, October 28, 2004


One day Dad came home from town. He had two little Fox terriers with him.. I asked him who they were for. He said that one was for him and one was for me he also told me that they were bred for hunting rabbits and possums. I called my dog Rex . Rex was all ready a year old and someone had already trained him. The next day at 9 o clock I packed a lunch and put it into a bag. I was going to go out on the deer farm and try to get some rabbits with Rex . Mum said that I had to be back at 3 o clock. I started to go with Rex at last. I was walking up the hill to the pines when I saw a rabbit on the school farm. I got Rex by the collar and snuck a little way up the hill.
Sic em I said to Rex. He looked around and saw the rabbit and ran after it. But by this time the rabbit had ran a little way up the hill. I decided it wasn’t worth Rex wasting all his energy so I called he back to me he came straight away. I walked on the road until I came to paddock 1. I went in and snuck up to the fence line, I held Rex by the collar and looked for rabbits I saw one on the other side of the fence and if I would move the rabbit would run away. But then it did run away. I looked at the time it was already 11 o clock. I walked over to paddock 2. I saw something white. I walked over to it. It was a big deer button. I picked it up and put it into my bag. I walked all the way to the bush paddock. I saw a rabbit in the bush paddock. Sic em I said to Rex and he run after the rabbit. The rabbit ran into a rabbit hole but Rex ran into the rabbit hole as well because he is such a little dog. About 1 minute latter Rex came out with a rabbit in his mouth. I ran to him to see if he had killed the rabbit, he had so I put it into a plastic bag then into my bag. I looked at the time, it was 12 o clock so I had lunch. I gave Rex a few dog biscuits. When I finished my lunch I went back to paddock 1. I went to the fence line again and looked for rabbits. I saw one, a big one. I wanted to get this one. Sic em I said to Rex and he ran after the rabbit. The rabbits tail went up and down, Rex ran down the hill to the rabbit but the rabbit ran into a rabbit hole and so did Rex. I ran down to the rabbit hole and watched it. I heard barking down the rabbit hole. About 1 minute latter Rex came out with two rabbits in his mouth and he had killed them as well. I looked at the time , it was just about 3 o clock so I rushed home. When I got home it was 3 o clock. I put Rex in his kennel and went to Mum.



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